Posts by tag: Terrorism

15 years ago

Terror law can be misused vs student councils, publications


Students staged a rally in front of the University of Mindanao campus on Bolton Street to protest the implementation of the Human Security Act, which, they said, would impinge on democratic rights. The law, which will take effect on July 15, allows the formation of an “inter-school coordinating body” that, according to the students, would suppress student councils and student publications. ( photo by Tyrone A. Velez)

15 years ago

Duterte urged to lobby for review of terror law


Bayan Muna today urged Mayor Rodrigo Duterte, the presidential security adviser for regions 11 and 12, to lobby for a thorough review of the anti-terror Law or the Human Security Act, saying the mayors objectives in keeping peace and order” should be consistent with the protection of human rights and the upholding of democracy.

15 years ago

‘Terror Summit’ scheduled in Mindanao


President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo will convene a Mindanao Peace and Security Summit next week to strengthen the government’s anti-terrorism measures and discuss the problems stakeholders would face in implementing them.

15 years ago

Soldiers arrest, jail, torture, starve, frame 2 Moros


The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about the brutal torture of two men, both belong to Muslim minorities, following their arrest by soldiers over allegations they are involved in incidents of bombing in Central Mindanao.