Posts by tag: north cotabato

2 years ago

Fr. Pops remembered, ‘He said we build heaven on earth’

Fr. Pops remembered, ‘He said we build heaven on earth’

The ninth death anniversary of Italian missionary Fr. Fausto ‘Pops’ Tentorio PIME will fall on October 17. While the quest for justice has dragged on this long, the young people, the Lumad and scholars he had supported will honor his legacy with a tribute for his being “a true servant of the people”.

9 years ago

Low voters’ turnout feared in Cotabato



Davao Today

Jay Apiag, Kontra Daya coordinator for North Cotabato province said their forecast was due to delays brought about by glitches of PCOS (precinct count optical scan) machines, the heavy rains that started 3 PM Monday and blackouts in the villages of Katipunan and Amas.