Posts by tag: activism

2 years ago

Dubious lumad FB page on red-tagging spree

Dubious lumad FB page on red-tagging spree

The University of the Philippines Mindanao’s Student Council urged its administration to defend its constituents following recent red-tagging incidents against members of the university’s community.

2 years ago

Fr. Pops remembered, ‘He said we build heaven on earth’

Fr. Pops remembered, ‘He said we build heaven on earth’

The ninth death anniversary of Italian missionary Fr. Fausto ‘Pops’ Tentorio PIME will fall on October 17. While the quest for justice has dragged on this long, the young people, the Lumad and scholars he had supported will honor his legacy with a tribute for his being “a true servant of the people”.

2 years ago

Demolition Job

Demolition Job

It is supremely dissonant that, on what is supposedly Indigenous Peoples’ Month in the Philippines, the local police of the province of Kalinga proposes to demolish the monument to three historical figures to the Indigenous struggles of the Cordillera region.

9 years ago



Student activists staged a protest in front of the University of Mindanao campus during US Ambassador Philip Goldberg’s visit in Davao for turnover of USAid projects in Compostela Valley. (Medel V. Hernani,

9 years ago



Children served as audience to student activists demanding government support to education at a rally in front of the University of Mindanao campus. (Medel V. Hernani,

9 years ago

Today’s View: The Need for Militant Action

Today’s View: The Need for Militant Action

In constant vigilance and militant actions, we will be able to get into the essence of the scam. And knowing the essence, we can seek the right solution to the problem. Not just temporary solutions, mind you, but enduring solutions.