The National Democratic Front says none of NPA’s unit is wiped out

The New People’s Army in Southern Mindanao. (Davao Today file photo)
MANILA, Philippines – The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) in Mindanao said Tuesday, December 26, that it has more guerrilla fighters this year despite intensified attacks from the military.
Joaquin Jacinto, spokesperson of NDFP Mindanao, said “not one single NPA (New People’s Army) unit in Mindanao was wiped out” in 2017.
“Under the absolute leadership of the Communist Party, the NPA is ever more ready to face the full-scale war that will further intensify in 2018 and beyond” said Jacinto.
Jacinto, in a statement, bared this on December 26, the same day the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) marked its 49th founding anniversary.
Military actions of the NPA in Mindanao have also reached nearly a thousand, said Jacinto.
According to Jacinto, among the tactical offensives carried out by the NPAs in Mindanao were:
More than 300 in Southern Mindanao
More than 180 in North East Mindanao
More than 200 in North Central Mindanao
More than 100 in Far Southern Mindanao
More or less 80 in Western Mindanao
Jacinto also said that the NPA fighters seized high-powered firearms that could equip a “battalion of Red fighters.”
Jacinto’s statement also came despite the reported surrender of 700 NPA fighters and supporters this year.
The Eastern Mindanao Command gathered the former rebels and supporters who allegedly surrendered from January to December 15 at the covered court of Naval Forces Eastern Mindanao last December 21.
The military added they recovered 265 firearms from the surrenderees.
Jacinto said they also called on the NPA to launch more tactical offensives against government forces.
“The NPA must be determined to bring the people’s war to new heights!” the NDF leader said.
Revolutionary forces, he said, will lead the overthrow of President Rodrigo Duterte.
Jacinto called Duterte a “puppet of US imperialism” who has kowtowed to the dictates of the US President Donald Trump.
The communists criticized the government’s war on drugs which they said has resulted to mass murder.
They said economic policies pursued by the government such as the “Build, Build, Build” and the newly-signed Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) will burden the people with more taxes imposed on basic commodities and services and ballooning debt.
“From the start, he was already an avowed implementer of neoliberal policies, ensuring profits for the business interests of big bourgeois compradors and foreign monopoly capitalists,” he said.
The government has finished two rounds of peace negotiations with the communists this year. However, the formal talks were stalled since May after the government refused to talk with the NDFP unless the attacks against government forces stop.
On November 23, despite efforts to bring jumpstart the resumption of formal talks, Duterte signed Proclamation No. 360 to terminate the negotiations. He also declared the CPP and NPA as “terrorists organizations” through Presidential Proclamation No. 374.
Jacinto said tagging the CPP and the NPA as “terrorists” aims to justify the extension of Martial Law in Mindanao for another year.
“With martial law extended and a ‘shoot to kill’ order against all Red fighters, Duterte has virtually disregarded all international protocols and rules of engagement, and directed the AFP to literally go on a bloody killing-spree, even against those whom they only suspect as working with the revolutionary movement, with complete impunity,” he said.
The CPP was founded in Alaminos in Pangasinan on December 26, 1968 by revolutionaries led by Duterte’s former professor, Jose Maria Sison. It has been waging what is touted as one of the longest-running armed insurgencies in Asia. (davaotoday.com)
communist, Communist Party of the Philippines, insurgency, Mindanao, National Democratic Front of the Philippines, New People's Army, reds, rodrigo duterte