Vendors sell imitation bags of known brands in a sidewalk along Ilustre street in Davao City. Their bags can sell for as low as 200 pesos a piece, and can even go lower depending on a customer’s negotiation skills. (Paulo C. Rizal/
The Work of a Master in Boy Hernani’s Images
FACT CHECK: Claim that Masagana 99 is a notable achievement during Martial Law needs context
FACT CHECK: Bangui Wind Farm in Ilocos Norte is not BBM’s project
Zambo Sibugay fisherfolk welcome fuel aid but…
Group welcomes court decision on case vs CPP-NPA
IP youth group slams NCIP chief for ‘questionable’ spending
Rights group hopes BBM-appointed CHR execs uphold commission’s ideals
FACT CHECK: Calling protesters arrested in New York as ‘Kakampinks’ is misleading
FACT CHECK: BBM’s claim that ICC can only act if a country has no ‘functioning judiciary’ needs context
LTFRB-10 exec warns: No ‘taripa,’ no new fare collection