2 years ago

Why is the despotic in a hurry?

Why is the despotic in a hurry?

We assail this brazen affront against the very core of our humanity, the freedom of the press, and our right to free expression. It is an attempt to maim us, to silence our protestations, our very right to seek redress from an administration that does not respect its own.

3 years ago

When mindlessness and stupidity ‘possess’ public servants, we suffer

When mindlessness and stupidity ‘possess’ public servants, we suffer

We are hearing the ordinary daily wage earners and their difficulty in meeting the basic need for food on the table. And endlessly, we pray for sobriety, because there is no guarantee that people will still listen to controlling agencies if the government persist of playing deaf and dumb. I don’t have the answer, but God knows. And people know their limits, too.

3 years ago



It’s people’s unity galvanized by a common aspiration for freedom, peace and justice that would really determine our destiny in this world.

3 years ago

Agonizing stillness

Agonizing stillness

Such was the hope of families and friends of the 58 massacred victims when they visited the crime scene three months after the carnage. It was one of the most excruciating moments for everyone, even among the curious who went along with over 300 individuals who trooped to see for themselves and feel the dread.